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9 people infected with anthrax in Tangail: Know what is anthrax and what to do

The Dhaka Times Desk 9 people have been infected with anthrax in Madhupur of Tangail. Madhupur Upazila Nirbahi Officer Mohammad Habib Ullah visited the spot on Sunday after the local administration came to know about the matter.

Local residents told the media that on August 14, local residents slaughtered a diseased cow and sold the meat. Among those who cooperated in this work, 9 people got serious wounds on their hands and feet.

When the matter was reported to the local administration, Madhupur upazila executive officer Mohammad Habib Ullah visited the spot on Sunday afternoon. At this time, the local upazila livestock officer Dr. Hazrat Ali was present.

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Anthrax victims are Masood Mia (12), Anwar Hossain (30), Abdur Razzak (25), Azad Mia (27), Tonta Mia (45), Abdur Rahman (55), Mahfuza Begum (30), Salma Begum of Ambaria village. (27) and Sajeda Khatun (40).

Upazila Livestock Officer Dr. Hazrat Ali initially identified it as anthrax disease and advised the residents to be on alert. As well as the resident doctor of the upazila health complex. A medical team led by Alamgir Hossain has been ordered to provide first aid to the victims.

What is anthrax disease and how to avoid it

# According to doctors, anthrax does not spread from person to person. However, the human body and clothing can carry anthrax germs.

# Bathing with antibacterial soap to remove germs from the body. Bath water should be treated with bleaching or other antibacterial agents.

# Infected items should be boiled for at least 30 minutes or longer.

# Chlorine bleach is not effective in killing germs, but formaldehyde is better.

Doctors believe that burning the clothes of an infected person with # is an effective way to destroy the germs.

# Anthrax disinfectant should be administered as soon as possible after exposure to humans. The longer the delay, the greater the risk to life. There is also an anthrax vaccine for humans.

Note, anthrax is primarily a fatal infectious disease of cattle. This disease is mainly spread to humans from cattle. Cattle are also infected with this anthrax disease by eating food contaminated with the germs of the disease, such as water from rivers and canals and grass in waterlogged areas during the rainy season.

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ২৬, ২০১৪ 11:19 am

Staff reporter

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