The Dhaka Times Desk Kale Kale and how many things to see. There are reports that cars run on oil, gas, batteries and even air. But this time the car will run on sugarcane juice - this news has surprised everyone.
From now on, the cars that will run on the highway will have sugarcane juice instead of oil or gas! How is it possible to think that maybe? Thanks to science, the impossible is now possible. The best part is that this car does not emit any smoke. And so there will be no environmental pollution from this car. It can be found at a lower price than petrol, diesel or gas. Sugar technology expert NK Shukla recently gave such information.
He said, 'Cars can run only with the help of ethanol obtained from sugarcane juice. It is known as ethyl alcohol. This ethyl alcohol is a pure alcohol. 75 liters of ethanol can be obtained from 1 metric ton of sugarcane.
According to the media, two buses and a car are running in Mumbai and Nagpur, India, running on sugarcane juice. This sweet vehicle has become popular in India since its inception. It is said to be rolling out to other states in India soon.
NK Shukla has researched the subject for a long time. Petrol, diesel prices are increasing day by day. Again the government also has to pay a lot of subsidies. Sugarcane juice can get rid of this condition.
A lot of sugarcane is produced in our country. In many cases, sugarcane is not even put to good use. If we can also bring the technology of driving on this sugarcane juice, it will save a lot of fuel. Because we have to pay a lot of subsidy in the energy sector in our country.