The Dhaka Times
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In contrast to Shakib, the heroine is Padshi!

The Dhaka Times Desk This generation's vocalist Padshi will be seen as the heroine of the movie. She is becoming a heroine unlike Shakib. Padshi also signed a contract to act in the film last Monday.


Two people from two poles. One is a famous hero and the other is a popular singer of this generation. Shakib Khan and Padshi. Many will be happy to hear the news. Because Padshi fans will enjoy watching Padshi in the role of heroine with songs.

Shakib Khan and Padshi, two residents of two worlds, are now tied in the same film. Shakib and Padshi have signed a contract to act in a film named 'Mental'. They will play the role of hero and heroine in that film. The film will be directed by Shamim Ahmed.


Shakib Khan said about Pasha, 'I have seen some music videos of Pasha. Her performance in the music video impressed me. I think if he is a regular in movies, he will do well.'

On the other hand, the neighbors are crazy to say Shakib. Commenting on Shakib, Padshi said, 'Shakib Khan is my favorite hero. I have seen many pictures of him. I am very happy to work with him. A different feeling.'

Director Shamim Ahmed told the media that Padshi will play the role of a popular musician in the film 'Mental'. He will be seen in the film Shakib Khan is his fan! The director said that there will be two other heroines in the film 'Mental' apart from Passhi. Director Shamim Ahmed said that the work of the film 'Mental' will be started in November.

Now let's see how successful Pasha will be from song to film.

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