The Dhaka Times Desk We all dream more or less. Sometimes those dreams are happy and sometimes they are sad. In fact, people have no control over their dreams. The brain determines when our brain will dream. People have wanted to know about the mysteries of dreams since ancient times. All strange explanations have been put forward.
What is the dream?
According to Wikipedia, a dream is a mental state of a person that is controlled by the subconscious mind while the person is asleep. Dream The immediate events are imaginary but the person thinks of them as a present spectator. In reality, dreams are a collection of incoherent emotions and images that occupy space in the human brain in an unorganized state. Psychologists say that the various scenes seen in our daily life are always captured by the brain through the eyes. But the task of sorting them out is done by the brain at rest. So during rest i.e. during sleep we see new or old scenes happening before our eyes. And this is the dream. When people go to sleep very tired, they usually don't dream right away. After sleeping, the tiredness of the body is removed and the dream sleep is entered. This is called REM or Rapid Eye Movement.
Now let's know some interesting facts about dreams:
1. Dreams have no color. In reality, dreams cannot be called black and white. Rather, it can be treated like an old camera film negative. But many will hear that he saw color in his dreams. Actually his dream was colourless. But every time he woke up and thought about the object he saw, the colors of his familiar world mixed with it. As a result, he assumes that he saw the color in the dream.
2. Children are quite advanced in dreaming because they spend 70% of the day asleep. As a result, 50 percent of their sleep is dream sleep. It also helps in their mental development. Neurologists say that everything in the world is new to children. As a result, everything gets stuck in their brains. And this affects their brain during sleep.
3. Humans have one dream every 90 minutes of sleep. As a result, a person has an average of 4 to 5 dreams in each sleep. As such, we spend one-third of our lives dreaming.
4. Researchers say not everything we see throughout the day remains in memory form. We hold some of them as special memories. The brain incarnates a mental matter called dream during this memory retention.
5. Everyone in the world usually has the dream of falling suddenly at one time or another. Also, some more common dreams are: being caught dumb, crashing a plane, dreaming, missing a vehicle, being caught trying to escape from terror, finding yourself in an unfamiliar place, etc.
This post was last modified on জুন ২২, ২০১৬ 2:24 pm
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