The Dhaka Times Desk As a result of the cow being stolen, the real owner of the cow has to be read in a huge irony, in the end, when there is a case in this matter, the court asks to get the DNA test of the cow and to convey the cow to the original owner after the DNA test. This is the first such event in the world.
The incredible incident of cow DNA testing took place in the southern Indian state of Kerala. When a neighbor's cow was stolen there, he claimed that his neighbor Sashilekha had stolen his cow and filed a case. Later, the court was unable to come to a conclusion according to the comments of the two plaintiffs and the defendant, and asked to compare the DNA of the stolen cow with the DNA of the stolen cow with the cow dung held by Gita.
Meanwhile, the DNA test showed that the real owner of the cow claimed to be stolen was actually Shasilekha. The Gita made the wrong claim. Later, the court said that within a few days, the court will officially hand over the cow to Sasilekha. Meanwhile, Shasilekha's lawyer N Chandra Babu, who won the case, said that the case of determining the DNA of such a cow and determining the ownership of the cow using DNA is the first such case in the world.
It should be noted that in India, cows are considered as gods and treated with special respect, there is no respect for cow theft or anyone associated with it.