Categories: Science-invention

Swarmy: Ants created by NASA

The Dhaka Times Desk Ants have a lot in common with the army. This small insect searches for food in a very organized manner. NASA has created an army of ant-like robots to search for life-sustaining material on the surface of other planets. These may be the first to find the existence of life on aliens.

This robot created by NASA scientists is named Swarmy. Each robot will be equipped with a webcam, Wi-Fi antenna, GPS etc. Ants spread around in search of food. Notifies everyone when a food is found. This is how this small robot army will work. This robot is equipped with modern technology and is able to work very efficiently.

Engineers at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida developed the software for the swarms. It will have various components programmed. The software will direct the swarms to spread out in different directions and look for various pre-programmed elements. If a robot finds ice-water or a microorganism, it will immediately send a signal to another robot. Then others will come and collect them. They will also work to find fuel that will be used by spaceships.

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Since most planets are not suitable for human habitation, they are difficult to explore. So robots are used. NASA has long been trying to build such a robot to search for tiny objects, including microorganisms. Finally they succeeded.

Swarmy can also be used on Earth. According to NASA, it can be used for a variety of tasks, including rescues, getting an idea of inaccessible routes or knowing the status of pipelines. As they are equipped with various sensors, it is enough to simply specify what to look for.

Source: dailymail

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ২১, ২০১৭ 11:34 pm

ABM Noorullah

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