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Hear the life story of Jonathan, the world's oldest tortoise

The Dhaka Times Desk Jonathan is a 182-year-old giant tortoise. In 1882, Jonathan was brought from the Galapagos Islands by a nobleman from the US island of St. Helena. At 182 years old, Jonathan is still very healthy. Today we will highlight some special moments of his life for the readers of The Dhaka Times. But let's know the life story of Jonathan, the oldest turtle in the world.


Jonathan is currently considered the world's oldest living animal. A photograph of this animal was first published in 1902, brought to St. Helena Island in 1882. By then, Jonathan was quite old.


Zoologists say that the turtles of Jonathan's original category are quite large in size. And they live longer. As such, Jonathan is currently at the end of their age.


These Galapagos tortoises typically live up to 250 years of age. According to zoologists, Jonathan may have been born in 1832. Because according to Jonathan's picture in 1902, he would have been born approximately 1832 to reach this age.


Jonathan is considered to be the oldest animal alive today. This Jonathan witnessed many changes in this world. The family from St. Helena that brought Jonathan to the island is now in its fourth generation.


Along with many of this family, Jonathan has grown up and grown old now awaiting the end. Many who were with Jonathan have left this world today but Jonathan is still in good health.


Jonathan has been involved with this beautiful grassy field for 182 years.

Reference: Borpanda

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