The Dhaka Times Desk Unemployment is the biggest problem in Bangladesh. Competition is fierce as a large number of educated youth are unemployed and job opportunities are scarce. In this situation, everyone is confused. Many people pass the job test but fail the viva. Interview is very important for job. Today's event is about important tips for a good job interview.
Job interviews are usually very short in duration. If you can't present yourself properly in this short time, you will fail. Because the selection board doesn't know you. So the key is to prove yourself in a short period of time. Of course there are some accessories to look out for. What are they?
Go for a job interview. Dress-up is a very important factor for this. Be sure to wear formal attire. Do not wear colorful clothes. Wear casual clothes that fit you and look smart. For boys, wear a formal shirt with formal pants. It is better if the color of the pants is deep. And wear a light colored shirt. Wear a nice leather belt. And you will get suitable Su. And girls, whether you wear saree or salwar kameez, make sure that the outfit is simple and suits you. Simple sandals can be matched with an outfit without wearing high heels. Everyone will have their hair cut and combed neatly.
Boys must shave. Apply after shave after shaving. But those who have a beard will trim it neatly. Cut the nails. Ensure physical cleanliness as well as clothing. Girls can apply light color nail polish on nails. not important But don't forget to wear light perfume. Consider taking a tissue. Don't enter the room sweaty. If your interview is late, you can freshen up there.
Necessary documents:
Put all the necessary documents in a file the night before. Attest all examination certificates, mark sheets and photographs. But in this case, the paper should be taken according to the needs of the interviewers. So contact the website or human resource to find out what documents are required.
Leave home with plenty of time for the interview. If possible go by private car, CNG or rickshaw instead of public transport. In this you can avoid pushing and become stress free. Let no small matter affect your mind. Don't delay at all if you are called for an interview.
Maintain confidence:
Do not be afraid to enter the interview room. Try to answer their questions confidently. If you don't know the answer, please tell me, sorry sir. Answer all in simple language. Definitely don't mix Bengali English. Speak pure language. Many people have a misconception that they have to answer in English in the interview. Actually that is not true. Answer the questions in the language in which the interview board member asks. Be sure not to give wrong or guess answers.
Maintain courtesy:
Enter the room with salutation and permission. Maintain courtesy in the room. Many try to get sympathy by calling it their problem. This is very wrong. It would be wise to assert yourself. Don't screw up any questions. Definitely don't argue. But express your opinion cleverly when asked questions to test your intelligence.
Complete yourself and go to the interview. Be confident, believe in yourself. Success will come. Best wishes to all job aspirants.
This post was last modified on জুন ২২, ২০১৬ 12:22 pm
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