The Dhaka Times Desk The car will run at a speed of 1,610 kilometers or 1,000 miles in just one hour. British engineers are trying to create such a fast supersonic car, although it seems unbelievable. Engineers want to name the car Bloodhound Supersonic Car. News BBC.
Wing Commander Andy Greene, who is involved in the project to develop the Bloodhound's high-speed vehicle, said that if the supersonic speed vehicle could be built, it would be the fastest land-based vehicle. He said that high-speed engines like Typhoon jet aircraft will be used in making this car. He said, the higher the speed of the car, the more the pressure on the wheels will increase. So the engineering team is working on a wheel that can take a lot of pressure in order to build a car with a speed of 1000 mph.
Andy claims that in making a car, the wheel is equally important along with the fast engine and the work is quite complex and difficult.
Andy Greene said the long-term goal of the Bolgadhound project is to show the new generation the magic of science and technology. They are trying to build the most advanced and fastest cars in the world. He said that various parts of the car are being manufactured at the car machinery manufacturing plant in Sussex. He also said that the world's fastest diesel car was made from here.
This post was last modified on জুন ১৭, ২০১৭ 3:04 am
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