The Dhaka Times
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80% students fail to get pass marks in Dhaka University admission test – Education Minister says quality of education has increased (Video)

The Dhaka Times Desk 80% of the students are failing to get the minimum pass marks in the honors first year admission test in Dhaka University. Meanwhile, the Minister of Education says that the quality of education in the country is increasing at the same time the pass rate is increasing!


The pass rate in the country's secondary and higher secondary schools is about 80%. This fact is as much a disappointment as it is a hope because these students again failed to get the minimum pass marks while participating in the admission test for higher education! Only in Dhaka University, 80 percent students are failing to get pass marks.

According to Mahbub Roni's report published in Ittefa, half of the students who got GPA 5 in both the secondary and higher secondary examinations could not pass the entrance examination. Such information has emerged in the review of the results of the last three years of admission examination.

In Dhaka University, you have to pass in all subjects by getting pass marks in different subjects. In this case, 40 percent of the 120 full marks are determined in the admission test in various units of the university. In B, C and D units separate pass marks are determined for Bengali, English and General Knowledge subjects. For example, 8 (full marks 30) in English, 8 (full marks 30) in Bengali and 17 (full marks 60) in General Science are fixed as pass marks in B Unit. Pass Mark 12 in English in C Unit. (Sutra- Ittefaq)

On the other hand, Education Minister Mr. Nurul Islam Nahid said that the quality of education in the country is increasing and the pass rate is increasing at the same time! The education minister made this demand at the reception of students and member writers at Dhaka Reporter Unity (DRU) auditorium on Friday. The minister contradicted the allegations that the quality of education is decreasing and the student's talent is decreasing. The quality of education in the country is increasing and the students are doing well.


The minister also said that we hear complaints about where students will study if they pass, but higher education is competitive in all countries of the world. In our country also, those who survive the competition will get the opportunity of higher education and those who do not survive will not.

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