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This time the ten-month-old calf is giving milk!

The Dhaka Times Desk It is a natural phenomenon that cows give milk. But this time a little exceptional news is that this time the calf is giving milk. The incident took place in Punatti village of Chirirbandar upazila of Dinajpur district.

The phenomenon of milking the calf is considered to be an act of nature. It seems unbelievable but it is true. A calf at the dairy farm of Mosaddek Hossain Khokon of Poontti village in Chirirbandar is milking like a cow.

According to the news received in the media, a baby calf was born ten months ago in Khokon's farm. The calving cow was giving milk regularly. In this way, the calf becomes quite nadus-nudus in about ten months. But when the ten-month-old calf becomes a milker like the mother, everyone is surprised to see.

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Malik Khokon told the media that the width of the calf started to increase abnormally when the calf was 6 months old. At one stage dark milk like pus started coming out with a butt. After consulting a veterinarian, the doctor recommends daily milking without any treatment. After that, normal milk starts coming out with 4 contractions. The milk is tested at Chirirbandar Milkvita dairy and cooling centre. But the authorities say that it is normal milk.

Khokon also said that at first half a liter of milk was given daily, but the amount of milk gradually increased and now the calf is giving milk from 2 to 2.5 liters.

A lot of excitement has been created among the locals about the poison. Hundreds of people throng Khokon Mia's farm every day to witness the miraculous milking of the calf. Many scholars have said that this is a miracle. Many in the Hindu community have commented that such cows are usually called 'Kamdhenu'.

This post was last modified on জুন ২২, ২০১৬ 12:05 pm

Staff reporter

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