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What to do if you get fake money from an ATM

The Dhaka Times Desk Fake money is now available every time, no one knows when and where to run into fake money. Today we will know what to do if you get fake money from ATM booth.

If you get fake money or fake money, there is nothing you can do with it, otherwise you may be in danger if you do the transaction without understanding it. As a result, one must always be careful about this. However, in the case of taking money from a person, you did not understand it, but if you were given fake money from the machine? What to do then? Yes today we will know what to do if fake money is given from ATM booth.

First of all, if you receive fake money from an ATM booth, immediately report the matter to the guard at the ATM booth. Now tell the guard to write down the time of receiving your fake money and your details in the registered book there. Now confirm that you have received fake money at this booth by signing a separate paper to the guard.

Now go to the neighboring police station and file a written complaint about the booth where the fake money was found. Now go to the concerned bank from there and show them the fake money and attach the fake note to the money and write in a separate receipt book about the fake money and the details about the money received in the low booth. Now the bank will see everything and give you a real money note against fake money.

Your caution and awareness can keep you and others safe from counterfeit money.

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This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ২১, ২০১৭ 11:44 pm


"Great as father's money, poor as my own money. Ultimate I consider myself poor. Because of father's money, Futani Marina."

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  • guard to maximum somoy bahire thake se kibhabe believe korbe j lote ta machine theke ber hoise naki customer nijer pocket theke ber korse? jokhon se ata e sure thakbe na then se likhito kibhabe dibe? to job kory se ki ai jhamelay joraty chaibe?

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