Know some unknown facts about Google

The Dhaka Times Desk It's hard to find people in the world who don't know Google these days. They are currently known as giants in search engines. Google Inc. is an American technology company. Google is now more than just a search engine. Today we will present to you the unknown things of Google.


1. We all know that Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two students of Stanford University in the United States, are the founders of Google. But do you know that Google's journey started in a garage? Google's journey began in 1998 in Susan Wojcicki's garage on Santa Margarita Avenue, California.

2. Sergey and Larry were the first employees of Google. So when they went to lunch they would write on the homepage, Sergey and Larry are having lunch now so any kind of mechanical error cannot be solved now. Please wait.

3. The first tweet on Google's Twitter page was “I'm 01100110 01100101 01100101 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101100 01101101 01101011 01101011 111001 00001010” Seeing such a big number, you must be thinking what does it mean? It means I am feeling lucky. It is a word written in binary language.

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4. Although the journey of Google started in 1998, Google became known as the main search engine around the world around 2000. Earlier, Yahoo was the most popular search engine in the world. Yahoo had the opportunity to buy Google for $1 million. But they didn't buy it. Today Google is a $200 billion company and Yahoo is a $20 billion company.

5. About 1 billion keywords are searched every hour on Google. Google has about 1 million servers for this. Overall, this is 2 percent of Google's total servers worldwide.

6. Google also provides services to aliens. Google has about 80 languages, one of which is Star Trek. In addition, recently Google has embarked on an alien search mission, they are working together with NASA on an alien search mission.

7. If you write 241543903 in Google search box. But you will see some strange pictures. In the pictures, some people are sitting with their heads inside the deep freeze. Google has some more crazy stuff like this. Similarly, by typing some keywords, you click on the I am feeling lucky button and see the surprise. Enter, Google Gravity, Epic Google, Google Loco Google Hacker, Google Mogic, Google Moon.

8. Microsoft, Apple each wanted to buy Google. After several attempts, Microsoft failed to buy Google and launched a search engine called Bing. Which is basically to compete with Google.

9. Apart from Android, Chromebook, Nexus, Google Glass, Google is working on some other projects including Google Fiber which will provide high speed internet. Besides, Google drone, Google robot, Google car and many more.

10. Google owns about 50,000 names around its name. Google has bought all the names you find suitable by combining Google.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২২, ২০২৪ 2:51 pm

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