Google is going to unveil the direction of quantum computer

The Dhaka Times Desk Google started research in Itopurbei to develop quantum computing devices to test artificial intelligence. But Google has recently announced that they will build their own quantum processor. This announcement by Google is expected to make quantum computing more fruitful, which has been discussed for the past decade.


Google is a technology company that has already used and applied its capabilities in almost all technological products. They have involved themselves in research ranging from wearable technology products to making robots. While the company has already started working on developing quantum computing devices for artificial intelligence research, it has recently announced that it will develop its own quantum processor from this research.

Google has created the Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab for quantum computer research. Members of this lab are currently using this lab for research on the development of D wave two devices. This DWave 2 device is called a commercial quantum computer. However, this device cannot be fully called a quantum computer. However, Google's recent decision was revealed by a tech blog. It is also known that Google will use superconductors to make this quantum processor. Generally all processor devices nowadays are made of semiconductors. Google is continuing their research with artificial intelligence.

At the beginning of the last decade, a group of scientists dreamed of quantum computing. Quantum computing is the processing of processors at the speed of light. Our present-day processors use electrons to carry out a single command. But a group of scientists say that if it is possible to carry it through light photons, then this computing will be faster.

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Reference: TechJournal

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ১১, ২০১৪ 11:26 am

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