Categories: health talk

Garlic is a natural lice killer

The Dhaka Times Desk Only the person who has head lice can understand how painful it is to have head lice. Many people start tearing their hair due to the pain of lice. Night sleep is lost. In such a situation, many people do not get rid of lice even after using many types of shampoos. Today we will highlight such a natural lice treatment.

What are lice?

A louse is a wingless insect of the order Theraptopera. There are about three thousand species of lice in the world. Of which only three species harm humans. Head pain caused by head lice is called pediculosis. Generally, accumulation of dirt on the head increases the incidence of lice. So hair care must be taken to protect the scalp from the effects of lice. Many people use various types of cosmetics to get rid of these hair lice. Due to these cosmetics, their hair is damaged a lot. A better natural way, such a natural lice killer is garlic. Garlic contains a natural ingredient that removes lice from the hair roots.

For this natural garlic paste you will need-

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A) Some garlic cells

b) Coconut oil

c) Lemon cells

D) Ginger

1. First, blend the garlic cloves well in a blender.

2. Now mix two tablespoons of coconut oil with this blended garlic. Then add two drops of lemon juice.

3. Now mix some ginger juice and make garlic lice killer paste.

Apply this paste well on the scalp. After keeping it for about half an hour. Wash your hair with lukewarm water.

This post was last modified on জুলাই ১০, ২০২১ 2:26 pm

KA B Tohin

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