Categories: health talk

[Research] Chocolate cake can help you lose excess body weight

The Dhaka Times Desk Breakfast is very essential for our day's work as your whole day's activity, brain functional aid and body's stimulating metabolism depend on this food. But in this case, excess body weight becomes a barrier. But a recent study gives us new good news.

Recent research suggests that a chocolate cake for breakfast will give you energy for the day as well as help you burn excess body weight. The research suggests that a morning should avoid sugar as much as possible to bring maximum nutrition to the body because this food is your nutrition for the whole day. And in this case chocolate cake will guarantee maximum nutrition by avoiding sugar. To conduct this study, researchers identified 193 individuals who were clinically obese but did not have diabetes. Divide them into two parts. One group was given a normal breakfast of 300 calories and the other group was given a chocolate cake breakfast of about 600 calories. After 32 weeks of feeding, each person in both groups lost an average of 33 pounds from their initial weight. But in this case the first group lost 15 pounds whereas the second group lost 22 pounds.

The researchers said in the release of the study that this dietary restriction actually made individuals feel less satisfied with food. On an average, men were given 1600 calories and women were given 1400 calories. But they felt that their stomachs remained unfilled and even if they wanted to eat more, they could not because it would lead to weight gain. Increasing the amount of grains in the food rather than sugar will not only keep you nourished for longer but also help you burn extra pounds.

So researchers think that having a chocolate cake for breakfast is very necessary. The study was conducted by Tel Aviv University in Israel. They published their research work in the renowned health journal Steroids.

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Reference: Times of India

This post was last modified on জুলাই ১০, ২০২১ 3:17 pm

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