Categories: Science-invention

This time solar cells will be used in clothes

The Dhaka Times Desk Recently, a group of researchers have been able to create a type of solar cell made of polymers that is much lighter, more flexible, easier to manufacture and thinner. Researchers say these solar cells can be used in everything from ovens to clothes.

Scientists have been trying to create such solar cells for the past few decades. Solar cells that are easily functional, flexible solar cells that can be integrated into fabrics and shaped into any shape. Researchers at Fudan University in Shanghai claim to have been able to create such a solar cell. These new types of solar cells are about the size of our fingernails. Scientists say they are now trying to create a type of wire that can easily absorb sunlight. These wires will be titanium dioxide nanotubes. And the second type is textile materials that can be used between clothes. By combining these two, scientists say, it will be possible to invent something new that will change the image of our lifestyle.

The scientists published their new discovery recently in the popular Chinese journal Agwanti Chemi. Citing the published news, it is known that the solar cell made by them will be symmetrical so that it can easily absorb light. Since these solar cells are flexible, it will be about 200 times more efficient. Huishengpeng, the lead researcher of this study, said that their main goal is to create a special type of solar cell for textiles.

Reference: TechJournal

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This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ২১, ২০১৭ 11:33 pm

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