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The price of Apple's gold-made iWatch will be sky-high

The Dhaka Times Desk According to a recent interview with TechCrunch by a jewelry company, the 18-karat gold version of Apple's iWatch could cost $1,200. This version can be released in the market next January. This jewelery company is working with Apple's Gold iWatch.


They say the price can vary a lot because it depends on the size and weight. However, there is a lot of ambivalence in the tech world about this version. Some say it may be gold plated while others say it may be solid gold. When we asked the jewelery company about this, they said that if solid gold is used in it, the price will be much higher. So the jewelery company claims that they want to make it with solid gold alloy. Chand Ricci is a watch expert in Petersburg, Pennsylvania. He thinks it is possible to price an iWatch made of 18 carat gold at $600. He says there is no need to use the same gold in all of them. Such as sport iwatches. In these cases, the price can be kept at 349 dollars. If gold alloy is used in it.


Tech experts say this is pushing Apple into luxury status. After a few days, maybe Prada, Louis Vuitton companies will want to make Apple's iWatch luxury belt. By doing this, as the nobility will appear in Apple, the price will skyrocket.

Reference: TechCrunch

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