The Dhaka Times Desk Finally Trust Bank will give loans to freelancers under the initiative of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Department. As a result, the freelancers of the country will get loan facilities for laptops under the initiative of the government.
The Department of Information and Communication Technology said that this initiative is to advance the country in the information technology sector and provide more opportunities to freelancers. Meanwhile, if this laptop loan facility is available, those who will be trained in the Information and Communication Technology Department's 'Learning and Earning Project' can apply for the loan. It is also informed that a desktop computer or laptop can also be bought with a loan from Trust Bank.
Meanwhile, the government has been trying to provide loans for the purchase of laptops or computers among the students of the country's universities for quite some time. However, the issue is pending because the banks do not want to give loans without collateral. As a result, the government and the ITC ministry have come to a decision on how to give loans for laptops to university students quickly. Bangladesh Bank and University Grants Commission (UGC) are working together in this regard.
This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ১৭, ২০১৪ 1:31 pm
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