The Dhaka Times Desk When the Ganajagran Manch workers gathered at Shahbagh against Saeedee's verdict, the police attacked and dispersed them. During this, at least 4 workers including spokesperson of Gana Jagran Manch Imran H Sarkar were injured.
Ganajagran Manch workers started gathering from different directions in Shahbagh since the morning around the announcement of verdict. Meanwhile, the police fired tear gas shells and water cannons on the protesting leaders and workers of Ganjagaran Manch.
The leaders and activists of Ganajagran Manch were furious when the court announced the death sentence of Jamaat leader Delawar Hossain Sayeedi, who was convicted for crimes against humanity during the liberation war. Police attacked the leaders and workers of Ganajagran Manch when they raised slogans against this verdict. At that time, the police dispersed them by throwing hot water with water cannons. In this, at least 4 workers including Gana Jagran Manch spokesperson Imran H Sarkar were injured.
Meanwhile, there have been incidents of chase and counter-chase between police and Shibir activists in different parts of the capital. Jamaat-e-Islami's Nayeb Emir staged a protest for the immediate release of Delawar Hussain Saeedee, accused of war crimes and sentenced to life imprisonment. Jamaat-e-Islami has called for a strike on Thursday and Sunday.
Photo: Courtesy of Prothom Alo.