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How to decorate the house with green trees on Eid

The Dhaka Times Desk When Eid comes, various kinds of tension surround almost everyone. Such as the stress of decorating the house. There is no end of worry about how to decorate the house on Eid. The tension is increasing as the day approaches. But with a little wisdom, you can do the work of decorating the house yourself. A natural look can be achieved with a flower tub with very few plants.

House & green trees

We all know green means softness. A wonderful scene. Therefore, you can buy all the flowers and plants with tubs that have a green color for decorating the house for Eid. By doing this, the beauty of the house will increase as well as the atmosphere of the house will be softened. These flower tubs can bring peace to our mind and home. So a long stretch of space in front of the house like a balcony or a hobby garden inside the house or an indoor plant can make the joy of Eid more beautiful.

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Many of us use plants to decorate our homes. Just as trees enhance the beauty of the house, they also help in keeping the house cool. Not only that, you can express your aesthetic taste through different types of indoor plants.

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First you need to select the tree to decorate the house. Patabahar, Moneyplant, Golden Descina, Bamboo Leaf, Agnesar, Pichutia, Silver Queen, Rabish, Chinese Palm, Ficus, White Kochu, Desert Rose, KB Rose etc. will beautify the house. Due to busyness, we often buy plants and leave them at home. But taking care of him is not done at all. You also need to take care of the plants that you use for decorating the house. Then not only Eid, but also other times you can stay close to the tree.

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How to decorate a tree:

Plants like the # Moneyplant, which need to be kept in water, can be kept in containers at home. You can also arrange it in old plastic containers or ceramic mugs. As these trees look beautiful, they also add a wonderful touch of greenery to the house.

# If the handle of an old tea kettle or sugar pot is broken, instead of throwing it away, you can clean the broken place, paint it, plant a tree and decorate it in the bathroom or kitchen, it will look very beautiful.

# Again put flower sticks in some tall vases. Resetting them is a bit of a problem. So fill the vase with water and cover the mouth with coil paper. Then you can insert the flower sticks by making small holes in the coil and it will look very beautiful.

# Again, the roots of plants that are best kept in water, should be kept in glass bottles. When the roots of the plant grow again, you can put it in the ground after discarding the water.

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How to take care of them:

Indoor plants survive only on care. Excess disease can kill the plant in midday sun, so bring it out into the sweet morning sun 1/2 time a week. After a week, the soil should be turned a little. It will not contain harmful gases accumulated in the soil. Water the plant regularly. Water in light morning sun or in the afternoon or evening. Do not water directly at the base of the plant but water very slowly around it. If possible, brush the leaves lightly. Discard the reddened leaves. Care should be taken not to tear the roots when changing the plant tub. But don't make indoor plants too big. This will make the room dark. So keep the branches and leaves trimmed regularly. While arranging the trees, it must be noted that the trees should be arranged according to the house. Like one for the drawing room, one for the bedroom and another for the balcony.

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In this way, you can decorate your house according to your taste this Eid. It will make the guests happy on the day of Eid and your mind will be cheerful.

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