The Dhaka Times
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Age 5 but height 5 feet 7 inches!

The Dhaka Times Desk Although only 5 years old, the height is 5 feet 7 inches! If this happens at this age, what will happen if the age increases?

Age 5, but 5 feet 7 inches

A boy who has just started kindergarten with tiny feet is about 5 feet tall. And seeing him, the other children in the school used to get scared and alarmed. The boy was mentally broken about these things. That's why his parents are worried. But now the situation has become somewhat normal. Now no one is afraid of him. Everyone understood about his unusual growth.

His name is Karan. The other kids in the school are now interacting very naturally with Karan. Karan's name has also appeared in the Greenies Book of World Records. Because his height is very high for his age. And after a few months, Karan will become a 6-year-old boy. Now his height is 5 feet 7 inches.

But Karan is not the first member of his family whose height is unusual for his age, media reported. His mother is also in this brigade. 25 years old Shwetlana Singh's current height is 7 feet 2 inches. According to her family, Shwetlana grows by 4 inches every two years. Although Shwetlana was identified as the tallest woman till 2012, she has now been overtaken by West Bengal's Siddika Parveen. His height is 8 feet 2 inches!

Siddiqa Parveen-02
Siddiqa Parveen

According to the doctor, epiphysis results in growth rate, which increases human height at an abnormal rate. This growth normally lasts until the age of 21. There are exceptions to this in some cases. As was the case with Shwetlana, this growth continues until the age of 25.

Doctors say that there is excessive secretion of hormones, due to which the height of the body increases. Apart from this, Shwetlana and her son also have amazing listening abilities. They can also hear distant sounds very easily.

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