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Driverless truck is coming!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have seen driverless planes, driverless cars. One more thing is going to be connected in the world of technology and that is the driverless truck.

Future Truck 2025

After many things including driverless drones, driverless private cars, driverless transport trucks are coming. And the world famous truck manufacturer Daimler has announced the launch of this driverless truck.

Daimler said in a statement that it is developing a truck that can drive on busy highways without a driver. They named this truck 'Mercedes-Benz Future Truck 2025'.

This autonomous truck is equipped with a 'Highway Pilot System' through radar sensors and cameras. So that the truck can follow the traffic laws by itself without the driver. It is known that the truck can be controlled from a certain place.

Wolfgang Bernhardt, a top Daimler official, told the media, 'Our Future Truck 2025 plan includes several things, looking ahead to the problems that customers will face in the future. Our main objective is to consistently bring quality technology to the global market.

It should be noted that Daimler has already spent one billion euros on the construction and research of this truck to bring this driverless truck to the market within the next 10 years. References: Times of India

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