Believe it or not, the technology of the future has arrived!

The Dhaka Times Desk The technology of the future is here on earth, believe it or not. Today we are going to show you some of the current buzzing technologies that many thought would be seen in the future.

Yes, it has been said about these technologies some time ago that we will see them in the future, but that future has really arrived now because we have discovered that technology. We have seen the technology in many Hollywood movies and wondered in our hearts that in the future we will see technology that people will actually use instead of in the movies.

Let's take a look one by one at these technologies that have come to us now-

1) Aerodynamic Big Rig Truck-

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2) Power Skeleton Robot-

3) Self Driving Car-

5) Remote control drone-

5) Flying car-

7) Ground Panoramic Night Vision Glasses-

7) Grass charging station-

8) Bionic eye-

9) Smart watch-

10) Heavy dust laser vehicle-

11) Robot Mining Truck-

১২) ব্যাটারি চালিত ইউ সাইকেল –

13) Bendable smartphone-

14) Fan without fan-

15) 3D Printers-

Those who have an idea about the above technologies know how far the technology of the world has progressed. In the coming days we will see more amazing technologies that now seem incredible to us.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২২, ২০২৪ 2:38 pm


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