The Dhaka Times
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Only 2 students can be admitted to Dhaka University in English!

The Dhaka Times Desk One will be surprised to read such news. But there is nothing to do. The story is true. Under the new rules, only 2 students can be admitted to Dhaka University in English!


Dhaka University has announced new rules for admission to the English Department this year. Students were instructed to answer Elective English to get admission in English department. But about 95 percent of the total students could not answer the elective English. Many of those who answered the elective English could not pass. University sources said, this year only 2 students got admission in English. But there are 125 seats for students in the English department. Khabar Bangladesh News24.


Dean of 'B' unit expressed concern. Sadrul Amin said, "Dhaka University has got the worst result this year in the English department. No students are available for admission in English department. The matter has been informed to the Vice-Chancellor. We are thinking about alternatives.'

According to media reports, there were 5 sections in the admission test question paper of 'B' unit. These are: General English, Bengali, Elective English, General Knowledge 'A' and General Knowledge 'B'. Out of 5 students are instructed to select 4 sections based on their merit. A total of 25 questions carried 30 marks in each subject. A total of 120 marks were tested in 1 hour. The pass mark in the entrance exam was 48. Minimum 8 marks should be obtained in each subject as per rules.

In the admission guidelines, it is mentioned that in the case of admission in the English Department, one must score 20 marks in General English along with a pass in the admission test. However, just 3 days before the admission exam, on September 16, the university authorities made a change in the selection of answer sheet topics. It is mandatory for the English department aspirants to answer the elective English section. University authorities announced that in the case of admission to the English department, 15 marks must be obtained in Elective English along with 20 marks in General English.

Where there are many complications with admission. Students and parents are already worried as the number of students is more than the number of seats, but this time due to the new rules, such a disaster occurs. However, the Dhaka University authorities are thinking about these issues - this is what they told the media.

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