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How to preserve the sacrificial skin

The Dhaka Times Desk When the Eid of Qorbani comes, there is a problem with the skin of the Qorbani. Because we have no idea about skin. But this skin needs to be properly prepared for storage or sale.

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We sell the sacrificial skin to the poor and poor at the Lilah Boarding of a madrasa or sell it. But we don't know how to preserve or maintain this skin. Because after slaughtering a cow or goat, if the skin is damaged during skinning, it has to be discarded or sold at a low price. That is why we need to know the right method. The main reason for this is that due to the large number of cows and goats being sacrificed, it is not possible for all of them to be processed by the butcher. Many times the work is done by themselves or by inexperienced people. In that case, if the skin leaks, it has to be discarded or sold at a discount.

It is important to note the following points:

# When buying a sacrificial animal, look carefully to see if the animal you choose for sacrifice has any wounds on it.

# Care should be taken while bringing the animal home from the haat or market to avoid any damage to the skin during pulling.

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# Many times it is necessary to buy the animal several days before Eid. In this case, if the animal for sacrifice is bought a few days before Eid, straw or mat should be spread on the floor of the place where the animal is kept. So that the animal does not get hurt in any way. It will not damage the skin as well as take care of the animal.

# On the day of sacrifice, the animal must be watered abundantly in the morning at the time of slaughter. Never feed hay or husks. This will make skinning the animal very easy.

# Care should be taken that the place of animal sacrifice or preparation of meat is not rough or pitted.

# Put someone already experienced or skilled in the task of slaughtering and skinning the sacrificial animal. Handling by inexperienced people may damage leather.

Prepare a sharp knife in advance for # jaws. Because it is very difficult to work with a dull knife.

# In case of Khasi sacrifice, skinning is very easy if the animal is hung from a strong pole.

# Remove blood and fat as soon as possible after skinning the animal. Otherwise, there will be a risk of rotting due to bacterial attack. Keep the skin in a clean place

# Should not be sold within 3 to 4 hours of skinning of the sacrificial animal, it should be stored quickly. The simplest traditional method is to preserve leather with salt. Generally salt should be used at a rate of twenty percent of the weight of the leather. That is, if the weight of the skin is 15 to 20 kg, salt should be used 3 to 4 kg.

Thus we can properly preserve the skin of the sacrificial animal. So that there are no cracks. Because it is the right of the poor.

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ৩০, ২০১৪ 5:54 pm

Staff reporter

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