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Snake venom worth Tk 68 crore recovered from Joypurhat

The Dhaka Times Desk Snake venom worth Tk 68 crore recovered from Joypurhat. The members of RAB-5 Jaipurhat camp recovered this huge amount of snake venom. 5 people have been arrested for their involvement.

According to media reports, the members of RAB-5 Joypurhat camp raided a residential hotel in Joypurhat after seeing suspicious movements of smugglers and recovered 12 pounds of cobra snake venom. At that time 5 members of that gang were also arrested. RAB said that the value of recovered poison is approximately 68 crores. The operation was conducted late on Friday night.

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In the press briefing of RAB on Saturday, it was informed that the gang related to the cobra snake venom from France's Red Dragon Company had gathered in the hotel for the purpose of illegally evading customs duty and smuggling it again abroad. Jaipurhat RAB raided Hotel Boishakhi late at night to target the movement of local smugglers. At this time, 12 pounds of cobra snake venom was recovered. Its estimated value is 68 crore rupees.

At that time, 5 people named Enamul Haque (38), Tozammel Hossain (30), Mottasan Billah Sohag (18), Motaleb Hossain (34) and KM Munsur (60) were arrested.

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ২৮, ২০১৪ 12:07 pm

Staff reporter

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