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BTRC will take action against Banglalink for embezzlement of customer's money

The Dhaka Times Desk Banglalink has been accused of embezzling customer money. And BTRC is going to take action after this complaint.

Banglalink & BTRC

It is known that mobile phone operator Banglalink Digital Communication Limited has been accused of embezzling hundreds of crores of rupees from customers. Bangladesh Telecom Regulatory Commission (BTRC) is going to take strict action against embezzlement against them. BTRC has repeatedly sent letters to return the embezzled money of 4 years back to the customers. But he did not return the money Bangla Link. Finally, in the 170th meeting of the commission, BTRC is taking the initiative to take legal action in this regard. A separate committee has been formed for this.

According to BTRC sources, Banglalink launched 4 services without permission. A committee of 4 members has been formed by convening the Director of Legal and Licensing Wing of BTRC AKM Shahiduzzaman to hear the matter. This decision was taken recently in the commission meeting of BTRC.

It is known that in 2011, Banglalink launched the home zone service after offering area-based tariffs without the commission's permission. But in that zone-based offer, customers could not have any say in the actual tariff.

BTRC said that the offer of area-based tariff is inconsistent with the Commission's directives and in gross violation of Clause 2 of the Commission's Interim Directives. Interim Directives Clause 2 mentions that Uniform tariff in a package: If a promotion package is offered, the tariff must be the same for all subscribers under the same package. Tariff variation in different geographic location is not allowed under a same package.

Another offer is to give 70 minutes of talk time for just 7 rupees. Even after sending a letter from the commission on April 19, 2012, Banglalink did not stop it. Banglalink has not disclosed the amount of income from that unauthorized service. Further they claimed that no such service was provided.

BTRC sources said, Banglalink launched another service called Daily Flat Tariff on July 7, 2011 without the permission of BTRC. In the name of providing this service, 4 taka is taken from the customers as registration fee every day. BTRC Banglalink was asked to pay a fine of Tk 10 lakh for launching this service illegally and Tk 92 crore 33 lakh 55 thousand 524 to the commission, but Banglalink did not do so. There are several other allegations of irregularities against Bangla Link.

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