The Dhaka Times
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A scandal with camels in Gabtali!

The Dhaka Times Desk Camels are seen when Qurbani Eid comes. This is exactly what happened this time. Importation of camels took place in Gabtali. But in Gabtali, there was a scandal involving camels.

Camel & Gabtoli Hart

The incident happened yesterday afternoon on Saturday. Rows of tied camels can be seen at the cattle market. Everyone is also bidding on camels with interest. Although the residents of the capital will buy sacrificial cows a day or two before Eid. Everyone has problems with keeping and turning. That's why everyone thinks about buying cows and goats before Eid.

But in Gabtali, a scandal happened with that camel. One of the camels tied in a row slipped the rope. Thus began a terrible situation. Camels started running around the market. Meanwhile Bepari is running behind the camel. How to bring him under control, the tyrant was restless. Seeing this situation, the buyers of the market also became very curious. At one point, the stray camel got stuck in a row of tied buffaloes. Everyone was very anxious to catch him from there. But that's not the end. Later, the camel jumped over the buffalo and fell into the nearby drain. Then he was brought from there tied with much difficulty. When everyone was breathing easy for a while, another thing happened.

A crowd of hundreds of people was seen outside the market. It was seen from a distance that people were running here and there after a while. What actually happened there? Later it was learned that a person named Haji Samad of Raipura in Narsingdi bought a camel for 5.5 lakh taka. He hired a truck to take the camel to his home. But the camel decided that he would not ride the truck. Attempts of 10/15 people also failed in the end. The camel is repeatedly jumping down from the 5/6 feet high truck. The visitors are running away in fear. Later, however, the camel was lifted by tying both legs.

It should be noted that when Eid al-Adha comes, these camels come from India. Many people buy it as a sacrifice. The influential people of the area sacrifice camels to buy names. Source: Samakal Online

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