The Dhaka Times
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Banglalink: Minutes back if the call is dropped!

The Dhaka Times Desk Banglalink customers will not have to suffer from unnecessary call drops from now on. If the call is dropped due to any reason then the customer will get the minutes back. Banglalink, the country's second largest mobile company, has made such an announcement.

Banglalink & Calls drop

Banglalink has launched a new service called 'Minute Back on Call Drop' for mobile phone customers. Call drops disrupt uninterrupted or uninterrupted communication or conversation on mobile phones and cause considerable annoyance to customers.

Banglalink authorities have claimed that they have introduced the 'Minute Back on Call Drop' system for the first time in Bangladesh. Banglalink's nationwide network coverage has also been modernized to provide quality service to customers. This will reduce the call drop rate. Customers can talk freely without interruption.

Banglalink said they have invested huge amounts of money in network expansion and modernization over the years to provide world-class service to customers. For the first time, Banglalink has raised 300 million or 300 million US dollars by issuing bonds in foreign currency to invest in network modernization. Banglalink's 3G network currently reaches 64 districts of the country.

Note that Banglalink's "Minute Back on Call Drop" service is a unique addition to the country's mobile phone market so that customers can enjoy the highest quality service.

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