The Dhaka Times
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ISIS operative arrested from Kamalapur

The Dhaka Times Desk An ISIS operative has been arrested from Kamalapur in the capital. The British citizen of Bangladesh origin was secretly campaigning and trying to recruit workers.


It is known that a British citizen of Bangladesh origin who has involvement with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has been arrested. The Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DB) arrested him from Kamalapur in the capital on Sunday night. The arrested person's name is Rafiun Rahman alias Ibn Hamdun.

According to media and public relations branch of Dhaka Metto Police, Rafiun Rahman came to Bangladesh from London a few days ago. Since then, he has been secretly campaigning and recruiting for ISIS. Earlier, DB Police arrested some members of ISIS organization. Based on the information provided by them, DB arrested Rafiun from Kamalapur area on Sunday night. He is being interrogated.

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