Categories: international news

Timothy Ray Brown, the first person to win AIDS in the world!

The Dhaka Times Desk The world's first person to conquer AIDS is named Timothy Ray Brown. Despite being an HIV patient, he was the first lucky person to come back from the door of certain death.

AIDS means certain death. It is known to all that he must succumb to death two days before and whenever. But Timothy Ray Brown went beyond that mindset and became the first lucky person to become an HIV patient. That is, he has returned from the door of this certain death.

According to media reports, Germany's Timothy Ray Braun was known as the 'Berlin Patient'. In this regard, doctors are not entirely sure by what exact process he recovered.

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Doctors believe that the donated bone marrow has an effective role in this. Doctors noticed a rare genetic mutation (called a gene mutation) in the bone marrow. Doctors believe that this rare genetic mutation is the main reason for his recovery.

The news also said that not only AIDS, Timothy was also a patient of leukemia (white blood cell cancer). He first underwent radiation therapy in 2007 as a treatment for leukemia. He then underwent a bone-marrow transplant (a treatment to generate new blood cells) to produce new blood cells. At this time, a donor also donated bone-marrow to him.

Doctors noticed after the start of treatment, along with the elimination of leukemia, the level of HIV in Timothy's body also decreased significantly. But they did not give any decision then.

Doctors recently checked his body and said that Timothy is now AIDS and HIV free. Many people can't believe this, but it is true, said the doctors of Timothy Ray Brown, the first lucky person in the world.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৪, ২০১৭ 10:40 pm

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