Categories: general

What are you eating in the name of masala?

The Dhaka Times Desk The market has been spoiled with adulterated spices. Meanwhile, various anti-counterfeiting teams are gathering information and signs in various factories, and it is like being scared.

What are we eating? Buying spice packets from the market, what is actually in these packets? Recently, some products that look like spices but do not contain any ingredients from adulterated spices factories in Kawran Bazaar of the capital.

When the anti-adulteration team recovered the adulterated spices, they found that Kawran Bajre spices are being made from grass seeds and mixed with different colors to make it look like spices and some rotten chilies are mixed with a light saltiness. Turmeric is also made with yellow dye in which a small amount of turmeric is added.

এসব উদ্ধারে গিয়ে র্যাবের ভ্রাম্যমাণ আদালতের নিবার্হী ম্যাজিস্ট্রেট একেএম আনোয়ার পাশা বলেন, ঈদের সময় মসলার চাহিদা বেড়ে যাওয়ায় কিছু অসাধু ব্যক্তি ক্ষতিকর পদার্থ দিয়ে ভেজাল হলুদ-মরিচের গুঁড়া তৈরি করে আসছে।”

Earlier, the mobile court raided the spice pot of Kawran Bazar 'Hasina Market' and sentenced eight traders involved in making adulterated spices to various terms. The accused said that they have been mixing these adulterants in spices for about 15 years in the hope of profit. These spices are being sold open or in packets all over the country.

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This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৪, ২০১৭ 10:18 pm


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