The Dhaka Times
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Going to the country for Eid: Today and tomorrow, people will come down

The Dhaka Times Desk The flow of people going to the country for Eid will decrease today and tomorrow. The main main roads of the capital were almost empty on Wednesday. But today Thursday and tomorrow Friday most people will leave the capital.

Going Eid countries

Many people will be off for 5 days today after office on Thursday. All public and private offices and courts will be closed for these 5 days. Weekends, Durga Puja and Eid are 5 consecutive days off. Although 3 more days have been added unwritten till next Friday i.e. basically until October 10 there will be closure.

Meanwhile, the rush of passengers has started at Kamalapur Railway Station, Gabtali, Mohakhali, Syedabad Bus Terminal and Sadarghat Launch Terminal since early morning. But this crowd will increase in the afternoon. Trains have been leaving Kamalapur railway station since dawn with many passengers.

Today Thursday, many people will catch the bus by attending the office. Even though many people have a holiday today, tomorrow is Friday or those who did not get tickets will leave Dhaka the day after tomorrow on Saturday. One such passenger said that his office is closing on Thursday but he will leave Dhaka on Saturday after sitting at home for two days without getting a ticket. Capital Dhaka will be empty after Saturday.

Many people did not go to their country houses during Eid. So going to the village house to spend Eid with parents and close relatives. Meanwhile, there was very little traffic on the Dhaka-Chittagong route till yesterday. On the other hand, the residents of the record-setting northern region went to their villages without traffic jams yesterday till Wednesday. But it is not yet known what will happen from Thursday afternoon. It is hoped that everyone will reach the village home peacefully and celebrate Eid.

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