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You can use a pseudonym on Facebook

The Dhaka Times Desk There have been many cases of many people's IDs being closed due to the use of pseudonyms on Facebook. Facebook has now announced that if anyone wants, they can use a pseudonym on Facebook from now on.


Many people want to open an ID using a pseudonym on Facebook, this demand is to maintain their security and privacy. However, Facebook made the use of real names mandatory and those who used pseudonyms had their IDs blocked. Many people describe such a system of Facebook as commercial.

Many have also commented that Facebook is dependent on advertising and that Facebook is increasingly profitable for advertising users' real names. Facebook made it mandatory to use real name, but later an ID owner named Drug Queen created a strong movement when Facebook blocked the ID opened with her fake name. Many people become addicted to this nickname called drug queen. The owner of that nickname submitted a petition on Facebook with about 2,000 signatures. Many celebrities also stand by the side of the drug queen. This forced Facebook to be a little softer.

Chris Cox, chief product officer of Facebook, said in a statement, Facebook will not restrict users from using pseudonyms, if anyone wants, they can use a pseudonym in addition to their real name.

Facebook's decision has been welcomed by all classes of people, but many say that fake IDs will increase many times over this popular social media.

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