The Dhaka Times
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The smoke of eating rice bread!

The Dhaka Times Desk Eid actually has some special items. But there are some items that have been around since ancient times. Like rice bread. On the day after Eid, in the rural areas, the smoke of eating rice bread falls.


Even though rice bread has been in vogue for ages, eating rice bread with the sacrificial meat on the day after Eid is a different thing. This practice has been going on for hundreds of years, especially among the village people. And so Eid is actually the time to eat this rice bread.


Eid has Kalir Dal Khichuri, Polao, Korma, Jorda and many other items. But there is another item in the history of village-Bengal. And that is rice bread. Before Eid, the smoke of breaking rice falls in villages and towns. Earlier, you could see the scene of making flour with rice in a bowl or a bowl. But now it is not seen much. Now with the advent of modern era rice is broken.


On the day of Eid, you have to be busy cooking korma, eating semai. And so the day after Eid is chosen for rice bread. Everyone is busy from home to make rice bread. The joy of eating rice bread the day after Eid is like a different feeling. From house to house there is a rush to eat rice bread with the sacrificial meat.

All of you must remember those days when you saw the smoke of eating rice bread at home in the countryside? Many of us enjoyed the pleasure of eating rice bread in those days.

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