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[Research] The body heals itself

Man will turn from Man to Superman

The Dhaka Times Desk What if it happened that a cut somewhere in the body healed itself after a while? Man will turn from Man to Superman. And the project of making this Superman has been undertaken by a group of scientists of the US military. They are trying to invent a technology that will heal human body wounds by itself.


The US military's project is called Electronic Prescription or ElectRx. Under this project, they are planning to develop a device that will monitor the human body through electric current. The US Defense Research Agency or DARPA says this invention will lead to a revolution in medical science. Because this will reduce people's dependence on medicine. The device developed through this project will bring a radical change in the process of monitoring and healing any kind of physical injury or wound. DARPA calls it a pacemaker for disease healing. This new device will be placed inside the human body. Its size will be so small that it will flow throughout the body along with the bloodstream of the human body's blood cells. But the interesting thing is that it will essentially establish a neural connection with the brain and provide the necessary stimulation there. Neuromodulation is the basis of this device of neural stimulation. Neuromodulation is the process by which certain nerves communicate with other nerves in the body through the brain and spinal cord. It coordinately targets all the organs inside the body and resists the infection. Researchers say this physical neuromodulation process causes the injured person to experience pain, inflammation and weakness in the brain instead of healing.

Elect Rx says it works to heal physical ailments by controlling this normal neuromodulation. This will use the machine's stored electrical energy to stimulate the brain to heal the physical injury faster, so that your amputated body will heal on its own after a while.

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