Categories: tutorial

[Tutorial] Customize Mozilla Firefox Browser

The Dhaka Times Desk Two popular desktop and laptop browsers in our country are Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Today we will introduce some features of Mozilla Firefox for the readers of The Dhaka Times which will make your browser more beautiful and faster. But let's know the various aspects of Mozilla Firefox browser that will enrich you.

1. Newtab Page:

Firefox's NewTab page usually has a default page. But you can change this newtab page if you want. For this, you write about:config in the address bar of Firefox, then a security page will appear, OK it and go to the configuration page. Here double click on browser.newtab.url option and paste the address of your desired page. After that, if you click on the new tab page, your desired page will open.

2. Browser Tab Preview:

If you have many tabs open at once in your browser, it can be difficult to find the tab you want. In this case, you can easily find your desired tab by looking at the preview of the open tabs of your browser. For this, click browser.ctrlTab.previews from about:config and set it to True if it is false. After that you can press ctrl+tab on the keyboard to see the preview of the browser tabs.

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3. Browser Display Color:

Usually the color of Firefox browser is light white. You can change its background color if you want. But for this you need to use hexcode. For this double click browser.display.background_color from about:config. Then place the hexcode of your choice of color there. Here are some color hexacodes for you.

You can customize your browser from this about:config of Firefox. It will also be very easy for you to use the browser. Now let's know the very necessary keyboard shortcuts of Firefox:-

1. Press - ctrl+H to view browsing history
2. If you want to add bookmark - ctrl+D
3. To print specific page - ctrl+P
4. To reload specific page - ctrl+R
5. To save specific page - ctrl+S
6. If you want to go directly to the homepage - Alt+Home
7. If you want to go to the previous page - Backspace

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ৬, ২০১৫ 7:59 pm

KA B Tohin

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