The Dhaka Times Desk The area of the house is only 7 square meters, you might think wrongly that it will be the area of the rooms. But no, this seven square meter house has everything a house needs. From kitchen to shower, you will find everything in this 7 square meter house. So let's take a look at this house.
A group of students from Chongqing University in China built this house for an architecture exhibition at their university. This house of 7 square meters is made of flywood. The bedroom, kitchen, toilet and shower are all here but there is no door. How then, when the builders of this house were asked in this context, they said that they did not add doors here as they brought it for exhibition but the user can add doors to it if he wants. The basic requirement of Chongqing University's arrangement was to build an efficient and sustainable house that occupies a small area with recyclable materials. This house made of flywood was ranked as one of the top 12 beautiful houses in the exhibition. The most interesting thing is that this house is self-contained. That is, solar cells have been added to the roof of the house which will meet the electricity needs of the house.
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Extending the door space in the main part of the house will make a wonderful drawing room. It has a table or cupboard. There is a bookshelf. This section can be folded down to become a place to sleep at night.
The sleeping area inside the house will sometimes become a chat room. If you don't believe it, look at the picture below.
Entering through the left side of the bedroom's double doors will lead you to the kitchen.
And if you enter through the right side, you will go to the shower and toilet. Toilet and shower are connected together.
Read more- এসব কুকুরের সাথে কিসের মিল পাওয়া যায়!
This is a strange but beautiful functional wooden house made by a Chinese student.
Reference: Borpanda
This post was last modified on জুন ১৩, ২০২২ 4:59 pm
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