Categories: international news

Look at the difficult roads these children go through to get to school

The Dhaka Times Desk If you think your child is not getting an education because the school is far from your home, think about the children in these pictures below. Those who are going to take education by risking their lives. Today we will show you the way to go to 10 such inaccessible schools.


This is the route to a school in Gulu State, China. It takes students 5 hours to complete this route. The width of this road made by cutting the rock of the hill is only one foot.

This ladder leads to a school in the village of Zhangjian in southern China. As the school is located at an altitude of 700 meters above sea level, students have to climb many ladders.

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This is the route to a school in the Indian Himalayan village of Zangsar. Happily, students here get the facility of boarding school.

This suspension bridge in the Indonesian village of Lebak may have been good once. But its current state would surprise anyone. But children go to school by crossing this bridge. PT Steel, a major Indonesian steel company, started construction of a steel bridge here after hearing about the village.

This child is going to school by hanging on a rope 800 meters above the Rio Negro river in Colombia. The length of this rope is 400 meters, so he has to travel 400 meters while hanging like this.

Children in the village of Riau, Indonesia, go to school every day by boat like this. Just think about this misty dense forest and you will be amazed.

These children from the village of Chilangkap, Indonesia, cross the dry river every day to go to school on bamboo rafts.

These children in Pili, China, walk 125 miles across the impassable mountains to their boarding school.

This rope in the village of Padang in Sumatra, Indonesia is their path. They have to cross a height of about thirty feet of the flowing Kharsrota river.

These children from Rizal state in the Philippines go to school every day floating on a tire tube.

Reference: Borpanda

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৪, ২০১৭ 10:01 pm

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