Categories: health talk

How to prevent hair loss!

The Dhaka Times Desk Hair is getting old before age? Your hair can get frizzy for a variety of reasons. In many cases due to chemicals and in many cases due to genetics, premature graying of hair occurs. Today we will see how to prevent premature graying of hair.

You can prevent or reduce hair loss in several ways, currently the problem of hair loss in both men and women has increased a lot in our country. There are various reasons behind this. At present we are getting close to chemicals from a very young age and at the same time we are having various irregularities in our food and drink. Also overthinking and eating too much spicy food, lack of sleep, not taking care of your hair, using cheap hair products, genetic or hormonal problems can cause premature graying of your hair. Let's find out how you can reduce this hair loss.

Herbal Uses-

If we want, we can make herbal paste ourselves and apply it on our hair, which can reduce our hair loss a lot. With this paste, the beauty of your hair can increase many times.

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How to make this paste-

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You can make this paste using amlaki, oil, fenugreek and apply it on your hair. First, mix 1 cup of coconut oil, 1 tablespoon of fenugreek powder and 2 tablespoons of amlaki powder together and keep it for a while. Now heat the entire mixture in the oven on low flame. When the mixture becomes hot and brown in color, take it off the stove, strain it and separate the oil from it. Apply the extracted oil to your scalp and scalp regularly before going to bed at night. Wash off in the morning. With regular use, hair fall will be greatly reduced and hair will be beautiful and shiny.


Another major reason behind hair fall is that we are not aware. We unknowingly apply various chemicals to our hair which play a significant role in our hair loss and hair breakage. We all use shampoo and conditioner. But when it comes to using these shampoos and conditioners, none of us try to use them according to the hair type. If we apply these shampoos and conditioners to our hair with awareness, we will get the right results.

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Another reason is that when we work in the sun, the direct sunlight hits our hair, causing our hair to become frizzy. Remember to cover your head while working in the sun to keep your hair and scalp healthy.

Nowadays, changing hair color or using hair dye has increased a lot. If you are aware of using hair dye in your hair from now on, no one can prevent hair fall at a young age.

Be careful not to use straighteners or heaters on the hair, heat can damage the hair cells and it can be said for sure that it will increase the hair growth.

So be aware of hair care and take care of your hair regularly, so your hair will be healthy, beautiful and shiny. Stay tuned to The Dhaka Times for more tips.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ৬, ২০২০ 11:35 am


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