Categories: opinion

A few things to look out for when you're thirty

The Dhaka Times Desk As people age, their intelligence develops over time. So it is important to work with intelligence as you age because your developed intelligence will be reflected in your work. So look at some of your actions as you get older.

1. Spend according to income:

Many people become unrestrained about spending when they have some money in hand. This is true when you are a young university student. Because if you travel here today, it may cost you tomorrow, but after thirty you should think about your future and control your expenses. So spend and save according to your income.

2. Quit suddenly:

Many people have this tendency to quit their job suddenly. Although you may not realize it at first, you will realize later that this trend will have a serious impact on your career. Having work experience in many organizations on your CV means that you are not fixed on the job. This may put you in danger in the future. So be careful in this matter of career.

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3. Social media:

Today is the age of social media. But have you ever thought about how much time this medium is consuming? It is acceptable to spend time on it while studying at a young age but spending more time on this medium after the age of thirty is doing yourself a disservice. So be careful about spending time on social media.

4. The individuality of one's thinking:

After thirty you are a mentally mature person. So at this time you should have individuality in your behavior, behavior, develop your own thinking. So be careful in these areas and show your intelligence.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১২, ২০১৭ 12:22 am

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