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After the secret mission, the American spacecraft returned to Earth

The Dhaka Times Desk Finally, the US spacecraft has returned to Earth after completing a final secret mission of 2 years. No one knows why and for what purpose this spacecraft was sent into space.


After a continuous flight of 2 years, this space vehicle of a secret mission landed at the Air Force Base on the South Coast of California, USA. Meanwhile, journalists took pictures from a distance. The spacecraft is painted white and black and has a dome-shaped appearance, similar to an ordinary airplane. This vehicle is 2.9 meters high and 9 meters long. The wingspan of this secret mission vehicle is 4.5 meters on both sides. The US administration confirmed nothing about this plane.


Meanwhile, it is known from various sources that the main task of this secret space vehicle was to collect stolen information about various researches conducted by other countries in space. Again, The Guardian sources say that this vehicle has been working for two years to monitor China's space activities. It has orbited the space for 674 consecutive days.

The purpose, however, is not to say that this was a top-secret US mission, and another such spacecraft will be sent next year, making it America's third secret mission.

formula- The Guardian

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