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Who have portrayed the historical characters on the silver screen

The Dhaka Times Desk We have come to know the events of many historical characters thanks to movies. But do you know all the actors who have portrayed those historical characters on the silver screen with amazing acting skills? Today we will highlight those actors and their historical characters.


1. Daniel D. Lewis portrays the famous US President Abraham Lincoln in his film Lincoln. He won an Oscar for this role.


2. Charlie Chaplin is already famous on the silver screen, Robert Downey Jr. has portrayed many of the events of that famous character on the silver screen in his Chaplin movie.


3. The life of non-violent movement leader Mohan Chand Karamdas Gandhi has been portrayed on the silver screen by Ben Kingsley in his movie Gandhi.


4. German actor Bruno Ganz best portrays Hitler's character traits in his movie Downfall.


5. Aston Kutcher portrayed the characters of Steve Jobs, the father of Apple Inc., on the silver screen in his Jobs movie.


6. Morgan Freeman brings Nelson Mandela's varied life story to the silver screen. And this film was called Invictus.


7. The life story of Margaret Thatcher, famous as the Iron Lady of Europe, was brought to the silver screen by Meryl Streep in her Iron Lady movie. He won an Oscar for this role.


8. Remember the movie The Queen? Many people were confused by the character of Queen Elizabeth in that film. Helen Mirer portrays the character of Queen Elizabeth in this film.


9. The famous physicist Stephen Hawking's life story is depicted in the movie The Theory of Everything. Eddie Redmayne portrays the character of Stephen Hawking on screen.


10. Cate Blanchett brings the life story of the famous pop singer Bob Dylan to the silver screen. The movie was called I Am Not There.

Reference: Borpanda

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