Categories: general

How to keep your fridge clean and odor free

The Dhaka Times Desk Every day we have to keep various food items in the fridge, starting from fish and meat. Due to keeping these foods constantly, sometimes odor can be created in the refrigerator. Today's article is about how to keep your fridge clean and odor free.

From fish, meat to curries, fruits and even cooked curries need to be kept in the fridge for a long time. And due to keeping various flavors of curries in one fridge, the smell may come from opening the fridge. What is the way out of such irony? This question can come to everyone's mind. How to keep your fridge clean and odor free will be discussed today. Let's see how you do this:

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# Before cleaning the refrigerator, first turn off the refrigerator switch, take out all the food, containers, bottles from the refrigerator, throw away the old food.

# Make a solution by mixing two tablespoons of baking soda in four cups of water, now soak in a mild solution and scrub the inside and outside of the refrigerator, clean the refrigerator shelves and drawers when they are opened, wipe the entire refrigerator with an old dry cotton cloth.

# To deodorize the fridge put some baking soda or lemon or orange peel or tea leaves in the fridge uncovered in a bowl and change it every week Always keep any food in a container with a lid.

To clean the # fridge, you make a mixture of one teaspoon of liquid dish cleaner and one teaspoon of vinegar in one cup of water and spray the mixture or pour a small amount on a dry cloth and wipe the fridge.

The drip tray of the # refrigerator should be drained regularly, the drip tray should be washed thoroughly and put back in the fridge.

# Clean your fridge thoroughly once a week or once a month, organize your essentials in the fridge, there will be no bad smell.

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ২২, ২০১৪ 12:20 pm

Bipasha Rahman

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