The Dhaka Times Desk You may have heard the name Navy SEAL. The special commando unit of the United States Navy is called the Navy SEALs. They are one of the world's most specially trained and skilled commandos. Before going to a particular mission, they are put together in the team room to observe who is ready for the mission.
Today we will present to you the words that any member of the Navy SEALs said while on that special observation was punished or canceled from the mission.
1. I can't do it
If anyone uses this sentence for any reason while in the team room, they will find themselves in ice cold mud. This means that somehow you can do it. Find it out.
2. i don't know
If a subject is not perfectly known, a Navy SEAL might say, I don't know it perfectly, but I can figure it out. But if a Navy SEAL says I don't know, he should be punished. You can find it if you want to.
3. I will complain to HR
No one in the team room cares unless a member is carrying something illegal. Besides, if you take a complaint to HR about any problem, on the contrary, he will be punished because the problem and solution will be everywhere.
4. My weapon is the best
No Navy SEAL would ever say that. Because the skill of a Navy SEAL made the weapon the best. It doesn't matter what weapon you carry in that case you have to rush to the line as soon as the work order arrives.
5. Sorry, I'm late
Generally we say this for the sake of politeness after delaying. But a Navy SEAL would never say that. Because he always has to be on time. So there is no question of saying this.
Reference: BusinessInsider
This post was last modified on October 26, 2014 10:09 am
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