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Everything you need to know about mobile phones and PCs

The Dhaka Times Desk We often confuse mobile phones and PCs. Due to which many problems arise. There are many things we don't know about mobile phones and PCs. Today the unknown will be discussed.

Mobile phones and PC

We have different ideas about computers and mobiles. It is necessary to know which of them is right and which is wrong. A lot of misconceptions lead to problems. As many people think that when the charge is full, having a smartphone with the charger will damage the battery. Is it right to charge mobile overnight? Can there be any harm in charging the iPhone with an iPad adapter? No matter how much experience we have in using smartphones and laptops, many questions arise in our minds about how technology works. There are solutions or ideas about whether the technology is being used correctly or not, but not all of them are correct. There are several common misconceptions about consumer technology, which often prove to be wrong. Recently, business and technology website Business Insider published a report on some common misconceptions in society. These things are very necessary for us. So let's get to know things.

Is the battery damaged by keeping it charged?

Many people forget to remove the charger after the battery is fully charged. In many cases, the phone stays connected to the charger overnight. Many people think that it will seriously damage the phone's battery. But no evidence of battery damage has been found till date. Moreover, today's modern smartphones use lithium-ion batteries, it is quite smart. That's why when the charge is full, the battery automatically stops charging.

When to charge the battery?

Currently, there is a widespread concept of lithium-ion batteries in smartphones. Experts say that the battery should be charged before it is fully charged. It does no harm. Rather, it is also good for battery life. A battery must go through a certain limit of charge cycles before it completely loses its ability to hold a charge. And that's why the life of the battery decreases when the battery gets old. When the battery charge is completely depleted, a cycle ends. And so experts advise to charge the mobile again when there is some charge to increase the battery life.

Do viruses attack Mac computers?

Many people think that viruses never attack Mac computers made by Apple. But the truth is that even this popular Apple computer is vulnerable to malware attacks. However, Apple used to claim that no virus can attack their computer PCs. But in 2012, after several Mac computers were attacked by a 'Trojan' virus, Apple retracted their claim.

Incognito browsing keeps you hidden

Browsing in incognito and private mode of the browser is the idea that browsing can be done anonymously. Browsing in Google Chrome's incognito mode and Safari's private mode, this browser will not track your web browsing history, fetch bookmarks, or automatically log you into your account. But incognito browsing is never available in this mode.

Does more megapixels mean better cameras?

Many people think that more megapixels means a better camera. But what is it really? Not quite. What is the difference between a 12 megapixel and 8 megapixel camera? Is there really any difference? Mobile cameras in particular have a number of problems. Megapixels are not as shown in mobiles. In fact, the quality of the image depends on how much light the camera sensor receives. Generally larger sensors have larger pixels and the larger the pixel, the more light it can receive. So the megapixel size is more important than the number of megapixels. Technical website TechCrunch's technology analyst Matthew Panzarino said about these roles of megapixels, suppose you are trying to catch the rain with a toe (meaning the tip of the finger for sewing) in a storm. This is normal as the bigger your thumb, the more rain you can catch in less time. This 'finger' is used in the metaphorical sense of megapixels. If you try a few buckets instead of a few fingers, you'll catch the raindrops better.

Is it okay to keep the computer on?

Many people think that the computer should not be turned off every night. Experts say that it is better to turn off the computer after work every night. If you go to sleep at night with your laptop or PC in sleep mode, you can wake up in the morning and start it again without having to boot up again. Experts have suggested that turning off PCs saves energy ie increases lifespan. Also, the pressure of the PC parts is much less. It increases the life of PC or laptop. So it is better not to turn on the computer or PC at night. But sometimes if you have to keep it running overnight because of downloading, that's a different matter. But it is not right to do it every day.

Is there any harm in charging the iPhone with the iPad charger?

Many do not know. So you want to know and that is, is it good or bad to charge the iPhone with the iPad charger? According to Apple's website, it is possible to charge both iPhone and iPad with a 12-watt iPad adapter. However, Steve Sandler, the chief technology officer of the electronics analyst firm AI Systems, claims that charging the iPad regularly with the charger will strain the battery.

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