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Smartphones used by heads of state of different countries

The Dhaka Times Desk Mobile phone or smartphone is a milestone in communication technology. Currently, most of the people around the world are covered by this technology. The heads of state of different countries are no exception. So today we will highlight the smartphones used by the heads of state of different countries.


Barack Obama

Barack Obama has been using the Blackberry-011 phone since he became the President of the United States. He has been using his old BlackBerry since becoming president, despite intelligence restrictions. However, the National Security Agency has increased the security of his phone.


Vladimir Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin does not use any kind of mobile phone or smartphone. Because he thinks mobile phones can disturb his work while he is on state duty.


Angela Markle

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is a fan of German football league Bundesliga. But because he was busy with state work, he did not see it. The trust is his smartphone. He uses Blackberry Z10. Earlier he was using Nokia 6210.


David Cameron

British Prime Minister David Cameron also uses BlackBerry, as does US President Barack Obama. However, in his case, the British intelligence agency MI6 has approved the use of this mobile phone. David Cameron still uses a BlackBerry.


Narendra Modi

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi uses an iPhone. Personally, he is quite an Apple fan but is sometimes seen using the Samsung Note 3.

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Sheikh Hasina

According to BDNews 24, Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina uses a Samsung Galaxy S3 smartphone.

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