The Dhaka Times Desk There are many things about boys that girls hate. But many people become extremely annoying to girls due to not knowing that. Today we will find out what are the things that boys really dislike about girls.
A few things about making clothes-
When you are going somewhere for a trip or going to meet a woman, remember to keep some things in mind when it comes to your clothing. Especially girls don't like anything too loose. It can be shirt, pants or suit. So whatever these things you get sewn, sew them according to the correct size. Be careful not to over pour anything.
Iron everything from bags to clothes regularly. Also, make sure that there is no sweat stain or odor on the collar or sleeves. Women dislike the smell of sweat the most.
Be sure to pay attention to the socks. Try matching socks with shoes or pants on a date. Many people do not wear socks with shoes. This type of character is highly disliked by women. Keeping these socks clean regularly is definitely an important task.
Matching clothes-
Girls dislike wearing pants with shirts. So, make sure that if you wear a white shirt, don't wear matching white pants. Women dislike this very much. So definitely don't match the pants with the shirt.
Use of perfume-
When meeting a woman, make sure that the perfume you use is manly. That is, many types of perfumes are available in the market. Some women's perfumes and some men's. But many people do not use the right perfume without knowing this matter. This is where you make a mistake, so from now on, be a little more careful in using perfume.
thin cloth-
Many people consider wearing very thin clothes as smartness, in fact women dislike men wearing very thin clothes. Many men think that wearing thin clothes and showing the inner undergarment is not really modern, women prefer formal dress up.
pants down-
Talk about current style. Many are seen wearing pants down. In fact, women do not like this style. Women want a smart and formal man. You will fail to attract the attention of women if you are childish.
There are also many other factors that can make a woman attracted to a man. You may have some personality of your own that makes you unique and attractive to women.
This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ৩, ২০১৪ 10:59 am
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