The Dhaka Times
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See how soldiers spend their free time in the picture

The Dhaka Times Desk This may distress you because of how many people have died or are dying at the hands of soldiers in war-torn or war-torn countries. But you have to accept that these soldiers are human too. These pictures will take you away from negative thoughts about soldiers.


human bomb

It is a Tomahawk Cruise Launcher. It can fire six tomahawks simultaneously. These soldiers are stationed at bomb sites to amuse themselves at leisure. Like a human bomb.


Robots and humans

On the battlefield, this tank shakes the hearts of people. But many may laugh and be amused by the sight of this soldier in a robotic suit leisurely on the battlefield.



Be amazed by the camouflage of this strangely dressed soldier. A soldier is reclining on this matching sofa if you don't look closely.


Soldier on horse

It is natural to ask where does a soldier go on horseback. Actually they are spending free time.


the stairs

Many of us played this fun game on the stairs when we were kids. But this soldier seems to want to play that childhood game again.


the trap

This soldier has chosen a deadly game to spend his leisure time. Take the bottle of energy drink. But with the slightest movement, the trap will trap him. So be careful very slowly.


The Hunger Games

This soldier is having fun turning his AK-47 into a bow. But where is the arrow?


Soldier's Night

Soldiers have not forgotten the historical knights of hundreds of years ago. So they are fighting like knights in retirement.


demonic soldier

A monstrous soldier swallows two other soldiers. This is a photo manipulation.


the mustache

A real mustache may not exist. So he put a mustache sticker in the gun and it is visible in the photo session. Mustaches are all deadly warriors.

Reference: Borpanda

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